What to do after learning Core Java?

What to do after completion of core java?
You know this is really been very interesting question in which most of the students confused what exactly they should do after completion of core java.
Here is the solution where you can make your future bright and strong.
This is only possible once you make the decision in a right way.
If you have been completed your Core Java then you can choose your path in a different way and if you have not been completed your Core Java then you can just start after completion of C or C++ language.
To complete Core Java might take two or three month if you practice more and more.
So make sure if you want to learn any basic language like a Core Java then you should focus on only practical approach rather than whats the theory meaning of the different Syntax.

Once you will finish your practical approach then you can come up with the meanings and vocabularies of variable, keywords, Syntax and different concept which is using in Core Java.

 After completion of these you can go in three ways:
  • Android application development
If you want to develop Android application then you can just switch to develop small organs of the project using Android studio. This will really been helpful for you and after completion of your Core Java you need to focus on Complex problems without focus on these way you cannot resolve any real life entities.
  • Web application development 
If you come in web application development then you need to learn Advanced Java like servlet and JSP this will also be helpful.
Once you will complete your servlet and JSP, you can just switch for enterprise application development where you will explore different Framework like:
  •  Spring MVC
  • Hibernate 
  • Struts
  •  EJB etc

  • Desktop application development  
If you decided to develop any desktop application then you can just switch for Java FX, where lots of libraries are available which will help you to build beautiful application for desktop or web application.

So you can install Java FX and what are the procedure using in a java FX you can just use any tutorial to learn this course where you will find a better knowledge to designing your software for desktop.