This Included: programming languages, fortran, machine level language
FORTRAN stands for FORmula TRANslation. It is a one of the oldest High Level Language. It was designed to solve scientific and engineering problems and is currently the most popular language among scientist and engineers.
John Backus and his team at IBM (International Business Machines) Corporation developed it originally for its 704 computer in 1957.
Since then it has undergone several revisions, and has been evolving into a wider and more useful language with time.
The original version of a FORTRAN developed by John backus and his team, was a soon followed by a version popular as Fortran II.
The next popular advanced version was Fortron IV.
In order to make Fortran language machine independent, ANSI (American National Standard Institute) standardised Fortron IV in 1966.
With this, Fortran became the first standardized language.
In 1977, in updated version of a Fortran IV, called Fortran 77, was released and standardized by ANSI. This version was oriented towards structured programming approach and had several new features for this.
Fortran 90 is the latest version of Fortran standardized by ANSI. It again has many new features as compared to Fortran 77.
As Fortran language is oriented towards a solving problem of mathematical nature, It is an algebra based programming language. Any algebraic expression or mathematical relationship can be expressed easily as a Fortran instruction.
For example, A= B+C - D.
Formation Of Convenient Stuff,Creates Advance For Future
About: programming languages, fortran, machine level language
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