IBM RPG - High Level Programming Language | Do You Know, Why RPG Programming Language Was Developed -roottechy

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RPG stands for Report Program Generator.
As the name implies, it is language to generate output reports resulting from processing of a common business applications.

rpg language,rpgle programming,ibm rpg

IBM developed the language because of their customer request for an easy and economic mechanism for producing reports.

IBM launched it in a 1961 for use on the IBM 1401 computer. The later version of RPG, called RPG II, greatly improved the language, and give it additional capabilities.

RPG is considered different from other programming languages.
Instead of writing instructions or statements, a programmer uses a very detailed coding sheet to write the problem specification including its input, calculations and output.
rpg language, rpgle programming, ibm rpg
These sheets specify exactly what is to be done and then the computer uses them to generate the necessary instructions to perform the desired a task. Hence, RPG is easier to learn and use than COBOL.

It is, therefore, well suited for applications which read large files, perform few calculations and create output reports. 
However, RPG has restricted mathematical capability and cannot be used for scientific applications.
It is used primarily to process business applications on small computers. 

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About : rpg language, rpgle programming, ibm rpg