MYCIN is the one of the earliest expert system, and its design has strongly influenced the design of a commercial expert systems and expert systems shells.
MYCIN was expert system developed at Stanford in the 1970s. Its job was to diagnose and recommend treatment for certain blood infections.
To do the diagnose "properly" involves the growing cultures off the infecting organism.
Unfortunately this takes around of 48 hours, and if Doctors waited until this was complete their patient might be Dead.
So doctor have to come up with quick guesses about likely problems from the available data, and use these guesses to provide a "covering" treatment where drugs are given which should deal with any possible problem.
MYCIN represented its knowledge as a set of if-then rules with the certainty factors.
MYCIN was written in the lisp language, and its rules are formally represented as LISP expressions. The action part of the rule could just be a conclusion an out the problem being solved, or it could be an arbitrary lisp expression.
This allowed a great flexibility, but removed some of the modular and a clarity of a rule-based systems, so using this facility had to be used with care.
MYCIN is a goal-directed system, using the basic backward chaining reasoning strategy that we described above. However, MYCIN used various heuristic to control the search for the solution. These were needed both to make the reasoning efficient and to prevent the use of being after too many unnecessary questions.
The other is strategies related to the way in which rules are involved. The first one is a simple:- Given a possible rule to use, MYCIN first check all the premises of the rule to see if any known to be false.
If so there's not much point using the rule. The other is strategies relate more to the certainty factors. MYCIN will first look at rules that have more certain conclusions and will abandon a search won the certainties get below 0.2.
There were many other developments from the mice in project.
For Example :- EMYCIN was really the first expert shell developed from MYCIN. A new expert system called the PUFF was developed by using EMYCIN in the new domain of heart disorders, and and system called NEOMYCIN was developed the for training doctors, which would take them through various example cases, checking their Conclusion and explaining where they went wrong.
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