Lets Start with Basics Quiz, TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE-
1. What is YouTube?
a. Video making site
b. Video chatting site
c. Video sharing site
d. All the above.
2. Computer animation software is-
a. Flash
b. Maya
c. 3-ds max
d. All the above.
3. Full form of VGA is-
a. Video graphics array
b. Video graphic application
c. Visual graph array
d. None
4. Which is not a video file extension-
a. .MP4
b. .JPG
c. .AVI
d. .QT
5. What is a cookie?
a. Hardware
b. Web browser
c. A file of computer
d. Modem
6. In which command is used to clear the screen during work on DOS?
a. Clear
b. Clr text
c. Clrscr
d. Cls
7. What is a top-most directory in Linux?
a. Root
b. Home
c. Bin
d. But
8. A compiler is a part of……
a. System software
b. Application software
c. Compiler
d. A and B both
9. What is a bit?
a. A numbering technique
b. The smallest unit of computer memory
c. Input device
d. All the above
10. Unix operating system is….
a. Single user
b. Multi-user
c. No user
d. A and B both
11. What is WAN network?
a. Small
b. Medium
c. Large
d. Distributed
12. Basic computer launches…
a. In the first generation
b. In the second generation
c. In the third generation
d. In the fourth generation
13. The main part of the personal computer is...
a. Microprocessor
b. Monitor
c. Printer
d. Speaker
e. All the above
14. In the following is not a control unit...
a. Read instruction
b. Execution instruction
c. Direct instruction
d. None
15. In the first computer named as….
a. Eniac
b. Mark-1
c. Abacas
d. Uniback-1
16. Weight of Eniacal was-
a. 10 ton
b. 20 ton
c. 30 ton
d. 40 ton
17. In the following is not an output device….
a. printer
b. monitor
c. mouse
d. a and b both
e. none
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